
Educators are important

This was originally shared on my personal account and it was noted every teacher needed to hear this message. Therefore, I took a leap of faith for a wider audience.

Yesterday, I went into the grocery store for a few things and had a really sweet conversation with a bagger that made an impression.

He told me his name and what he does. He noticed by teacher shirt and asked what I taught. I told him K-5 Life Skills and he noted “I would’ve been in your class when I was in school. I’m fun.”

He went on to tell me teachers are important & also told me the school year is coming & asked if I was ready. I told him I was ready for the routine back and the moments at school. He then told me he liked meeting new faces at school and talking to people.

As I was leaving, he told me to have a great school year.

As a new school year is upon many of us or upcoming soon, I can’t help but appreciate the moments within the school year, with people, and the impact students and staff have on me.

Teachers & educators are vital in the success of all other professions. We are important.